The 30th Nigerian Economic Summit | Art Competition



Call for entries! The 30th Nigerian Economic Summit Group presents the #NES30 Art Competition. Showcase your creativity under the theme "Collaborative Action for Growth, Competitiveness, and Stability."
Entries are open from August 1 to September 14, 2024. This competition is for Nigeria-based artists aged 35 and under.
In partnership with the Africa Art Fund, we aim to promote creativity, visual expressions, and visions for a shared future. Explore concepts of design, collaborative and sustainable economic development, and your vision of Nigeria's future.
All artistic expressions and media are welcome - painting, drawing, sculpture, and more. Collaborate with fellow artists and submit joint works.
Don't miss this chance to exhibit your work and gain recognition. Parents/guardians' consent is required for artists under 18.
Key dates:
Submission deadline - September 14, 2024
Selection process - September 21, 2024
Delivery of artworks to Abuja - September 30, 2024
Exhibition - October 13-16, 2024
Announcement of winners - during the Summit


Submit your work now:




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